Remodeling by fat transfer liposuction

What is facial remodeling by fat transfer liposuction?

Today I am going to give you an excellent news. Plastic surgeons when we used to do liposuction we used to discard that fat. Today we have the means to take advantage of it. What can we do with fat? Fat, the much reviled fat, what we call adipose tissue, can be reused. What for? Two fundamental aspects: we can rejuvenate a face: A face with marked furrows, with wrinkles, with a certain flaccidity, can benefit greatly from fat grafting. If you have a little bit of fat in some area of the body, in the belly, hips, knees, thighs, calves… we can take out that fat and re-inject it in order to give your face a much healthier look.

One of the typical processes of aging is that facial fat atrophies, tissues shrink, tone is lost, tissues sag. Now we have the possibility of producing a facial remodeling with an absolutely natural tissue that gives a very natural aspect, that is not perceived, that does not fill the face, that does not give those waxy, rigid faces, but, as I said, it gives back what has been lost with the passing of the years.

Can fat transfer liposculpting be used for the rest of the body?

The other use I wanted to tell you about is body contouring. It turns out that with the fat that we take out we can improve the shape of the buttocks, we can improve the shape of the breast, give it more volume. We can increase the volume of excessively thin calves. We can do a multitude of things.

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We can greatly improve our body appearance, using the same fat that we take from patients, which is absolutely compatible with them and whose effect is also permanent.

What are the properties and benefits of autologous fat?

Fat has some very interesting properties. Lipofilling or lipotransfer procedures are used not only to increase the volume of certain areas, to increase a cheekbone, a chin, a specific area of the body that we want to enhance. It also happens to be full of growth factors. What does this achieve? At the same time that we increase the volume we improve the texture of the skin, we make the skin look more alive, with more brightness. We can even attenuate blemishes, small vascular lesions, through the thickening of the skin in certain areas we achieve these effects. We use, for example, fat to improve dark circles under the eyes, which are a pathology that is difficult to treat.

Well, fat, through these growth factors, also offers us this result. Even for skin with radiodermatitis, people who have suffered the effects of radiotherapy, we can see the tissue improving, which until now we did not really have elements that could clearly improve these situations.

So from here today I want to defend the role of fat, popularize it, extend it, and remind you: always look for a trusted surgeon, a place that offers you security and it is very likely that your degree of satisfaction will be very high. Do not forget this therapeutic option, because fat is becoming more and more important.