‘Tobacco causes 6 million deaths each year’

Tobacco causes nearly 6 million deaths each year, 600,000 of which are passive smoking. In order to prevent current and future generations from tobacco-related diseases and its social, environmental and economic repercussions, the WHO established May 31 as World No Tobacco Day. In this purpose, from Top Doctors we wanted to count on the opinion of the expert in smoking, Dr. Gorordo Unzueta, member of our medical staff.

Consequences of smoking

In 2030 it is estimated that tobacco will cause 8 million deaths. More than 80% of the deaths could be prevented with the different treatments currently available. When a person lights up a cigarette, a stream of smoke is released containing up to 4,500 toxic substances, such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, nitrosamines and tars.

The most frequent diseases related to smoking are: cardiovascular diseases, tumor diseases such as lung cancer, cancer of the digestive system, reproductive, breast or myeloblastic leukemia. As for respiratory diseases, smoking causes a worsening of all of them. Within this last group is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which is directly caused by tobacco consumption.

Passive smoking

Involuntary exposure to environmental tobacco smoke has an impact on mortality twice that produced by all environmental pollutants recognized as toxic. Although exposure has decreased, the child population is the most exposed. They are at increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and upper and lower respiratory infections. In adults, lung cancer and increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. In terms of respiratory diseases, exposure to tobacco is a risk factor for persistence of asthma symptoms.

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Electronic cigarette

The electronic cigarette (EC) consists of a battery, atomizer and cartridge. The latter is charged with liquid that may contain substances such as propylene glycol, which when “vaped” and heated can cause asthma in children and inflammatory conditions of the upper airways in adults. Another substance, glycerin, causes lipoid pneumonia and nicotine causes brain development disorders in young people. They also contain substances that are carcinogenic, but in lower concentrations than in active and passive smokers of manufactured cigarettes.

Dr. Gorordo Unzueta considers that from a safety point of view, the data related to ECs are deficient, as there are more than 400 different brands that lack quality control and regulation. As of May 2015, the Spanish Government intends to equate the consumption of electronic cigarettes to tobacco consumption, so its use will be restricted in bars, restaurants and workplaces.