What do I need to know before breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical technique that aims to improve both the size and shape of the breast.

  • It improves the shape, turgor and size.
  • Corrects asymmetries of the breast.
  • It rejuvenates the breast after breastfeeding.
  • Immediate result, with three weeks of recovery.

What does the procedure consist of?

First of all, a previous medical examination must be performed, to make sure there is no anomaly or contraindication to the operation.

Once this preoperative evaluation is completed, the type of prosthesis and the volume that best suits the patient’s expectations will be defined.

It is usually recommended to adjust the prosthesis to the dimension that best suits the measurements of the natural breast, to fill it normally.

Once the expectations have been defined between the patient and the surgeon, the procedure will be performed, which will last between one and two hours. The patient will remain under general anesthesia and will have to stay overnight in hospital, in order to perform an optimal postoperative control.

What is the postoperative period like?

Once the procedure is completed, the surgeon will place a compressive bandage, which will be removed the next day. This bandage will be replaced by a sports bra, which must be worn during the first month (both during the day and at night).

During the first 24 to 48 hours the patient will feel a sensation of tension and the breasts will be sore to the touch. In the first few days the shape is very rounded, due to the swelling, but after a week it will begin to return to naturalness.

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How are the results?

Usually the results are very positive for the patient. It is also important to perform the corresponding revision after one year, in order to detect any complication in time.

The prostheses do not entail any type of daily limitation once the new size, touch and shape are assimilated.

Is it necessary to replace the prosthesis?

Normally the life of the prostheses is very long, but it is possible that the woman ends up requiring a replacement throughout her life. It is important to undergo periodic revisions, to control the progressive wear.

The main causes for this are the following:

  • By age, to make it safer for the patient.
  • Breakage, although very rare with modern prostheses.
  • Encapsulation.
  • To improve the aesthetic result (for example, after pregnancy or weight loss).
  • Ripling (when folds are formed in the implant). Sometimes a replacement is not necessary and a lipotransfer is enough.
  • Asymmetries.

For more information about breast augmentation, contact the Rinos Clinic.