Gynecomastia: excess fat in the male breast

Gynecomastia is an accumulation of fat in the male breast. It is common in those who go to the gym and do fitness, bodybuilding, etc. They are guys with beautiful and well-shaped bodies, but sometimes they have some excess fat in the breast.

When the excess is formed only by fat it is known as pseudo gynecomastia (first image), while when it is fat and glandular tissue it is called gynecomastia (second image).

How to treat gynecomastia

To treat gynecomastia, at FEMM we offer a surgical treatment to restore the male appearance of the pectoral. For this, we use liposuction techniques and open surgery techniques.

On the other hand, we can associate liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, two typical regions where men tend to accumulate fat (both in the pectoral and in these two).

We can also offer a comprehensive treatment, so that the trunk of the man is completely remodeled. We could say that it is a complement to abdominal liposuction.

Finally, remember the importance of putting yourself in the hands of qualified plastic surgeons, this way you can get a result closer to what the patient wants.

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