Tuberous breasts, grades and operation

What are tuberous breasts?

Tuberous breast is a congenital alteration of the breast in which there is a malformation so that the breast cannot develop normally. A fibrotic tissue is formed at the base of the breast, creating a constricting ring that makes the breast instead of having a normal conical shape has a tuberous shape and is as if constricted. It cannot be diagnosed at the beginning even though we are born with this alteration because we do not have a developed breast. It is diagnosed, the malformation is appreciated, as the breasts develop, generally in adolescence.

What are the most frequent degrees of tuberous breasts?

Basically there are 3 degrees. The first degree tuberous breast is one in which the constriction ring is partial and there is a deficit in the development of the breast in the lower central pole, in the internal part. They are usually areolas with a tendency to look downwards and towards the center and the breasts develop normally or even hypertrophy, they are a little larger. In the grade two tuberous breast, the ring is already more marked and the lower pole of the breast, both the internal and external, is not developed. The mammary sulcus is more elevated and the areola is also larger and sometimes even gigantic and can reach more than 10cm. In the third degree tuberous breast the ring is totally constrictive, it affects the whole breast, it cannot develop and it is generally accompanied by very small breasts.

How does a woman detect that she has tuberous breasts?

Generally, from adolescence onwards, in the growth of the breasts, the alteration is already visible. Nowadays, with the information we have on the Internet, many patients come with self-diagnosis and here we diagnose them well in the degree. Another third do not know what they have, they say they have a malformation or a very ugly shape, a pear shape, a strange shape, that they are different from other friends of theirs? And another third part comes saying that they have a small breast and they do not even see the alteration, they do not relate it to the fact that it is really a malformation.

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What does the operation for tuberous breasts consist of?

The first thing to do with cosmetic surgery is to open the breast, it is a breast that is constricted, with that constriction ring, in any degree the first thing to do is to open that ring, then it will depend a bit on the degree and shape of the breast, if we have a large or prosthetic breast we will have to raise it or reduce it, if it is small it is logical to increase it, usually with breast prosthesis depending on the degree, size and shape will be one way or another, with a placement or another. What we must always try to do is to fill the lower pole which is where we really lack tissue so sometimes within the same breast we have to make some kind of flap, some technique, to try to fill the lower pole that we lack.

Can tuberous breasts be treated without surgery?

Tuberous breast cannot be treated without surgery, it is a congenital malformation with very marked features that cannot be solved without surgery.