Abdominoplasty and lifting against body flaccidity

Body contouring surgery encompasses surgical techniques or procedures that treat deformities of different body regions, excluding the face and chest or breasts. In other words, it includes all cosmetic surgery except facial surgery and breast surgery; although in the context of post-bariatric surgery, breast augmentation mastopexy and breast reduction surgery would also be considered.

Body contouring surgery: from abdominoplasty to arm lifts

The types of surgery included in body contouring are those that affect the trunk, extremities and buttocks regions, and genital surgery or intimate surgery techniques would be excluded.

Thus, the main procedures of body contouring surgery are: abdominoplasty, flankplasty, torsoplasty (with or without mammoplasty), cruroplasty or thigh lift, brachioplasty or arm lift and buttock augmentation. This last case is also a separate chapter except in cases where it is associated with other body contouring techniques.

All of these aforementioned techniques are indicated to correct flaccidity in any of the aforementioned regions of the body.

Liposuction as an exclusive or combined procedure also corresponds to body contouring surgery. Its indication is the reduction of localized adipose accumulations when there is no flaccidity. It is used complementarily in any of the interventions combined with the removal of excess skin, dermolipectomy.

It is important to note that any body contouring surgery is not indicated to treat obesity.

Abdominoplasty, the most frequent body aesthetic surgery

These interventions are necessary to correct flaccidity in any of the regions that may be present. Therefore are candidates for people who wish to solve the flaccidity, especially in its maximum degree.

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The most frequent intervention is abdominoplasty, especially in women because with pregnancy there is a deterioration in the muscle and skin planes. It consists of repairing the sagging or lax musculature in the midline and removing the excess skin.

The only indispensable requirement to undergo this type of intervention is that there is no overweight or, what is the same, that the patient is between the values of a normal weight. The days prior to the practice of this surgery is not necessary to make any kind of preparation.

Postoperative period for body aesthetic surgery

This set of surgeries are major interventions that require a hospital stay of one to three days. The first week after surgery there will be some discomfort, without reaching the pain, and are treated with routine painkillers and anti-inflammatory. In 15 days it is possible to resume all normal activities, including moderate exercise.