Hello summer, goodbye varicose veins!

Varicose veins are venous dilatations characterized by the inability to establish an effective return of blood to the heart (venous insufficiency). The most common are those of the legs, but they can also be found on the face (reddish spider veins, which give an unhealthy appearance to our skin).

Varicose veins form when the venous valves do not close properly and blood begins to accumulate in the veins, causing them to dilate. It is a problem that both men and women can suffer, although we have a higher risk rate and, therefore, greater propensity due to certain habits such as wearing high heels, tight clothes, pregnancy, taking the pill, etc.

The first thing we do when a patient comes for consultation is to check what type of varicose veins we are dealing with.

Type of varicose veins

  • Vascular varicose veins; they must be treated by doctors specialized in Vascular Surgery.
  • Aesthetic varicose veins and spider veins; they are the most common type and are treated by doctors specialized in Aesthetic Medicine.

Treatments in Aesthetic Medicine to eliminate varicose veins

To achieve an optimal result we use a combination of two treatments:

  • Eclerotherapy with Microfoam; it consists of a combination of Polidocanol with an additive to achieve that necessary microfoam that will reabsorb the dilation of the varicose vein and, in this way, achieve the microsclerosis of the varicose vein. The number of sessions will depend on the extension of the area to be treated; the larger the area, the more sessions. The treatment is not painful, although I do like to warn that it stings a little.
  • Laser; then we use the laser for the veins that are almost transparent, but that disfigure the appearance of our skin, and on which we see that the use of micro-sponges is not enough. Generally, two or three laser sessions are enough.
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The end of the treatment gives an excellent result, which leaves patients very satisfied!

Definitive treatment to eliminate varicose veins

The spider veins we remove disappear forever. However, we have millions of superficial capillaries and when they have appeared once, they tend to do it again, so it may be necessary to repeat the technique after a couple of years.

To complete the treatment it will be necessary to wear compression stockings and, in some cases, I prescribe treatments with phlebotonics and specific exercises.