Personalize diet with nutritional genetic study

The genetic study in nutrition and dietetics is used to analyze the relationship and effects of food with the patient’s genome. From these studies information is extracted about possible vitamin deficiencies and food intolerances that may be an obstacle to weight loss. As a result of the genetic study, the best personalized nutritional plan is established.

Genetic study: what it consists of

The genetic study seeks to analyze the interaction of food with the human genome, both at the level of molecules and cells. This is done by two variants of nutritional genomics, nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. The latter studies the effect of genetic variants on the interaction between diet and disease. Nutrigenomics, on the other hand, assesses the effect of nutrients on the genome and its variations.

To obtain this relationship between genetics and reaction to food, a series of tests are performed. First, by means of a buccal scraping, a sample of the patient’s saliva is extracted, which will be the basis for the genetic study through DNA. This is complemented with a questionnaire of health, habits and food preferences that will be carried out by the expert in Nutrition and Dietetics.

From the results, certain information will be obtained. Among others:

  1. Type of nutritional metabolism
  2. Response of the body to physical exercise
  3. Vitamin deficiency
  4. Risk of lactose intolerance
  5. Health factors that can be modified by diet.

Purpose of genetic study in nutrition and dietetics

The main objective is to extract recommendations related to the risks and/or benefits of diets or their components on an individualized basis, in order to address more effective and healthy nutritional strategies for each patient.

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With the results obtained from the analysis, the expert in Nutrition and Dietetics will be able to elaborate a nutritional plan according to the patient’s state of health and life and eating habits. This has led to Nutrigenetics also being called “personalized nutrition” or “individualized nutrition”.

Once the diet has been elaborated, the patient will know better how his or her organism works with food and how to provide the necessary nutrients with the appropriate doses, thanks to both the information provided by the tests and the support of the professionals (doctors and nutritionists. Thus, the patient

– will achieve a correct weight.

– acquire healthy eating habits.

– control your cardiovascular, bone and immune health, preventing other diseases.

Possibility that the genetic study may indicate food intolerances not previously manifested.

It may happen that the genetic test alerts to food intolerances that have never before manifested themselves in the patient, one of the most common being lactose intolerance.

An intolerance to any food or additive is detrimental to weight loss, as it will hinder it. In addition, it can cause symptoms that we do not usually relate to food: stomach discomfort, headache, malaise, chronic fatigue….

In these cases, just by eliminating these foods from our eating habits, weight loss can be achieved and the symptoms associated with the intolerance can be improved.

New diet derived from the nutritional genetic study

The compendium of tests previously performed on the patient will allow the professional to establish the best personalized nutritional plan, aimed at eliminating foods and additives that may cause intolerance, as well as their subsequent reintroduction into the usual diet”.
