Facial fillers: bioplasty

One of the many possibilities to correct deep wrinkles, furrows in the face, recover lost volume in some areas, etc., is to use biomaterials fillers. Thanks to these materials we can reshape the face using very minimally invasive techniques.

In the past, permanent, non-absorbable materials were used. Now, however, these materials are prohibited and only resorbable biomaterials are used, which are gradually degraded by the body in a physiological and natural way. This means that they are tolerated by the tissues without giving rise to the unpleasant skin reactions that the permanent ones used to produce.

Procedure and products used

The most important products are hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural component of the skin, and calcium hydroxyapatite. Depending on the patient’s clinical situation and the area where treatment is required, one or the other will be chosen.

Hyaluronic acid is usually used to moisturize, give volume to a specific anatomical area or fill a marked wrinkle. If, on the other hand, what is intended is a skin tightening effect, we will apply calcium hydroxyapatite following force vectors, since it is an excellent collagen inducer.


The treatment is completely personalized for each patient. The first thing is to identify the problems of the person’s face in order to determine which product, how much and with which technique the best results will be achieved. In addition, techniques and products are often combined in the same patient to achieve excellent results.

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As already mentioned, all the materials used as fillers are resorbable. This means that the body eliminates them little by little, so depending on the material and the area, periodic maintenance may be necessary. The filling of a lip with HA can last for a year, while the effects of calcium hydroxyapatite persist for longer.

Actually, it is more usual to combine several facial rejuvenation techniques to prevent skin aging.

Possible side effects

When injected, it is possible that redness, swelling, discomfort or a small hematoma may occur in the area. However, this can be easily covered with your usual make-up. Occasionally, although it is not common, foreign body reactions may occur, usually associated with the presence of previous permanent materials. It is therefore important to take a medical history and that the patient specifies the treatments that have been performed.

On the other hand, severe allergic reactions cannot be ruled out either, although they are also very infrequent.


These treatments are only contraindicated in patients with skin infections, coagulation problems, autoimmune diseases, collagenosis or cutaneous atopias. Except for these patients it is safe for anyone.