PicoWay, the solution for tattoo removal

PicoWay is the newest laser to remove tattoos, faster, with fewer sessions and sensitive to all colors.

When a person gets a tattoo it is because they want a permanent imprint of a special moment or person on their body and they think it will be there for life. However, life takes many turns and it may happen that, some time after getting the tattoo, the person changes his mind and does not want to have that permanent imprint on his body or decides to change it for another one.

Before the appearance of the PicoWay laser, tattoo removal treatments were not very satisfactory because they did not erase the tattoos 100% and could sometimes leave scars. In addition, they were even less effective on colored tattoos.

One of the novelties offered by PicoWay is that it breaks down the tattoo ink into very small particles that our body removes more easily and quickly.

This treatment is performed with a Syneron Candela dual wavelength picosecond laser. It removes multicolored tattoos and recalcitrant tattoos.

PicoWay Tattoo Removal Protocol

When removing tattoos it is advisable to follow a specific protocol in each case. Factors such as the amount and type of ink and the depth and size of the drawing determine the number of sessions necessary to remove tattoos.

The approximate price of a PicoWay laser session is 150€. The sessions are performed monthly and, in less than 1 year, it is possible to remove a tattoo.