Liposuction, the technique to remove fat permanently

What exactly is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical technique designed to permanently remove fat deposits located anywhere on the body. It is performed through very small incisions that leave virtually undetectable scars. It is important to emphasize that it is not a technique to lose weight or lose weight, that is what diets are for, but it is a technique to lose volume in a specific area of the body.

What liposuction techniques are there?

Broadly speaking, we could consider three types of liposuction; conventional liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction. Conventional liposuction aspirates the fat as it is, while the other two techniques deconstruct the fat tissue before aspirating it. That is a surgeon’s choice depending on what he/she considers most appropriate for each patient because each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. My opinion, which I believe is shared by most of my colleagues, is that the best combination to decrease the chances of complications and increase the chances of a good result is a combination of conventional liposuction with gentle suction and very fine diameter cannulas.

How is the procedure performed?

Depending on the surgeon’s choice, liposuction can be performed under general anesthesia, epidural anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. I always perform this procedure under local anesthesia with sedation on an outpatient basis and totally painless. On the one hand I believe that local anesthesia is less traumatic for the patient and on the other hand it is extremely important for me to finish the procedure with the patient standing up and I can only do that with local anesthesia. There is a huge difference between finishing the final details with the patient lying down or standing up, just as a cartridge case varies greatly with the person lying down or standing up. Being able to do it this way allows me to achieve the best possible results for each patient.

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Are the results of liposuction permanent?

No. The results of liposuction are not permanent because bodies change as we age. That is to say, as we get older, we get wider, we lose height, the skin starts sagging, etcetera. But what is permanent is the benefit of the intervention. That is to say, no matter how many years go by, an area where liposuction has been performed will keep its volume and appearance much better than an area where this treatment has not been performed. In fact, if a person gains a lot of weight after a liposuction, where he/she will be better off is in the areas where he/she had it done before. There is also a problem, which is that if we do liposuction badly, we will create a permanent defect. If we leave a hole, a depression, and we do not do a subsequent treatment, that defect will also persist for life.

What is the post-operative period like?

The duration and severity of the postoperative period after liposuction will depend virtually exclusively on the amount of liposuction we perform. The more liposuction, the more hematoma, more swelling, more discomfort and a longer and more complex post-operative period. In general my patients leave the operating room with a small bandage, which is removed after 2 days, at which time they begin to lead an almost normal life, can shower, and wear a bandage or a soft compression stocking for 7-8 days. The results are very well appreciated after one month, they are perfect after 6-8 months and the patient is working in any normal job from the third day.