How do we know if we are fertile? Fertility diagnosis

The comprehensive fertility diagnosis allows a couple to find out their reproductive probabilities in the most complete way and is very useful, for example, when deciding which assisted reproduction treatment will be the most appropriate in the case of needing this specialized help.

It should be remembered that fertility problems are due to both male and female factors. According to the clinical data available to date, the origin of infertility is distributed between the man, the woman or a combination of both members of the couple in similar proportions of 32%.

MSOME test for male fertility analysis

Although any patient can undergo the MSOME test, it is especially indicated for those patients with an altered sperm count or for those who have had unsuccessful assisted reproduction cycles.

The MSOME test is a great advance in the diagnosis of male infertility, since it allows the morphology of the spermatozoa to be analyzed with great precision thanks to powerful microscopes specifically designed for this technique, and allows an accurate diagnosis of the situation of the male gametes.

Through the MSOME test, spermatozoa can be analyzed very precisely, even identifying those with potentially damaged genetic material, which makes it possible to obtain a very precise diagnosis of their status, unlike the semiogram, which can present variability in the results depending on the time chosen for the analysis.

Measuring female fertility: the ovarian reserve

In the case of women, it is essential to diagnose the ovarian reserve by means of two simple tests that will allow us to know their reproductive probabilities: the analysis of the antral follicles (AFR) and the antimüllerian hormone (AMH), two complementary markers that confirm the quantity and quality of the oocyte.

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The antral follicle count is very easily performed by means of a simple gynecological vaginal ultrasound, which is usually included in routine check-ups. If during a woman’s menstrual period about 5 to 10 follicles are visualized ultrasonographically in each ovary, it can be considered that she has an optimal reserve.

As an additional test, antimüllerian hormone can also be analyzed, which provides information not only on the number of ovarian follicles, but also on oocyte quality.