Artificial insemination, a solution to fertility problems

Article signed by Clínica Ginefiv

About 15% of Spanish couples of fertile age have problems conceiving a child naturally. Assisted Reproduction includes a set of techniques that help reproduction in case of possible infertility problems, and treatments vary according to the needs of each couple, their age and medical history.

What treatments are available to help with fertility problems?

Artificial insemination is one of these treatments: it is a simple method that is performed in consultation, and for which it is not necessary to apply any type of anesthesia. It is usually aimed at young couples with few fertility problems.

It is also indicated in cases of mild seminogram alterations, difficulties during intercourse, cervical mucus alterations, mild endometriosis, immune factor with low antibody titer, ovulation alterations or sterility of unknown origin.

This method is also recommended for single women or women whose partner is also a woman, since donor sperm can be used to carry out the insemination.

Artificial insemination and its phases

Artificial insemination consists of depositing in the uterine cavity of the woman, at the moment closest to ovulation, a sperm sample previously trained in the laboratory, and selecting those spermatozoa with the best fertilizing capacity.

The complete treatment usually lasts between 8 and 10 days and consists of three phases:

  • Ovarian stimulation, during which the ovaries are stimulated in order to obtain one or two follicles that lead to successful ovulation.
  • Sperm capacitation, a process by which the most motile sperm are selected and their fertilizing capacity is stimulated.
  • Insemination, during which a fine cannula is introduced through the cervix to deposit the sperm at the bottom of the uterus so that they approach the site of fertilization.
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Within a few minutes the sperm reach the fallopian tubes where they will come into contact with the egg. Only a couple of weeks later, the woman will know if she is pregnant.