5 questions about minimally invasive dental veneers

As an expert in dental veneers, whether porcelain, composite or lumineers, Dr. Ferrándiz answers the main questions about this treatment used to improve the shape and color of teeth.

Can dental veneers be applied without filing the tooth?

– In some cases it may be feasible when the treatment is focused on increasing the size of the original tooth. Likewise, when it comes to veneers, the grinding of the tooth is minimal, oriented only to obtain a more retentive texture of the tooth so that the restoration is more durable.

– When there is a very bad position of the patient’s original teeth or we want to change the color radically, it is necessary to slightly retouch the patient’s tooth.

How are veneers placed?

– They are placed with a resin cement, with a sophisticated and comfortable technique for the patient.

Is the treatment painful?

– In no way is it painful for the patient, even in most cases the cementing is done without anesthesia.

Is the duration of these veneers the same as the conventional ones?

– The duration of both is long term and very effective. The more enamel remaining on the tooth, the stronger the retention of the veneer.

How should maintenance be performed?

– Maintenance should be performed in the same way as a natural tooth: brushing, flossing and periodic tartar removal by the dental hygienist.