Botulinum toxin (Botox) allows to achieve a relaxed and natural face

What does the botulinum toxin treatment consist of?

The treatment with botulinum toxin consists of a filtration through a very fine needle of a substance that relaxes the muscles, with which we can treat expression wrinkles, such as those between the eyebrows and get a more relaxed and natural look. We also partly manage to overcome the action of gravity and our face offers a much more relaxed appearance.

From what age or when is it advisable to have the treatment?
It is advisable to apply the treatment when the first signs of aging or the first expression wrinkles begin to appear. This would be the ideal time for its application, because if we intervene before wrinkles become very marked, it will be easier to treat them and we can also prevent aging. Consequently, we delay the appearance of these wrinkles and even prevent their appearance by relaxing the muscles.

Is anesthesia necessary?
Anesthesia is not necessary at any time because we work with very fine needles and the treatment is practically painless. Only in the case that the person is extremely sensitive, an anesthetic cream can be used, but this is not frequent.

What results can I expect from the treatment?
We will get a more relaxed expression, we will counteract negative expressions, such as frowning, thus we will get a more relaxed, natural and of course, more youthful appearance. It is also very important to consider the issue of prevention: we can prevent the appearance of those unsightly wrinkles if we start treating them when they first appear.

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What are the side effects of the treatment?
It is a treatment that in good hands has very few side effects, however, any side effects that may occur are reversible, since the effects of botulinum toxin are reversible over time. The most frequent side effect is a slight headache on the day of application but this can be treated with any analgesic. However, this effect is quite infrequent.

How long does the treatment last?
We have to distinguish two aspects: the effect of muscle relaxation, which lasts approximately four months, and the reappearance of wrinkles, which takes longer, since the muscle needs to recover after having lost this relaxation. In this way we can consider that a good result lasts approximately six months. If we want to ensure that these wrinkles do not reappear, the same treatment must be repeated every six months.