Mouth ulcers: a sore in the mouth

It is common that throughout our lives we may suffer the discomfort caused by mouth ulcers, also known as mouth sores, with a constant stinging for days. Mouth sores are more frequent than we usually think, they appear unexpectedly and can last up to two weeks.

Why do mouth sores appear?

There are several reasons why these ailments may appear in our mouth. Sometimes they can appear due to a lack of hygiene in the mouth; an intolerance, for example to gluten; due to an allergic reaction… It is also common for these sores to appear when there is some kind of weakness in the immune system caused by an illness or a stressful situation. The lack of some minerals or some vitamins such as iron or vitamin B12 can be a cause.

Occasionally, small ulcers may appear caused by the friction of ill-fitting dentures, orthodontics, biting the lips….

They are more frequent in women than in men, and one of the causes of the appearance of these ulcers is hormonal changes.

It is important to know that these sores are not contagious, and that their normal appearance has a yellow color surrounded by a reddish ring.

If you have a sore and its duration lasts more than ten or twelve days, it will be necessary to visit a specialist.

How are mouth ulcers treated?

Gross Dentistas recommends the following before visiting a specialist:

  • Mix water and hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the sore.
  • Apply a light layer of water and baking soda.
  • The patient can look for an alternative treatment in a pharmacy.
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Can the appearance of mouth ulcers be prevented?

It is very important to have a healthy diet to keep the mouth healthy, with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as proper hydration to keep the mouth hydrated at all times.

At the same time, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. For this, it is necessary to brush the teeth after each meal to avoid the accumulation of dental plaque.

In the case of any type of wound or oral lesion, smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.