Invisible brackets to disguise orthodontics

Lingual orthodontics is an esthetic tool whose use has spread in recent years in both young people and adults. This method integrates the brackets on the inner side of the teeth and allows aligning the dental arches disguising the orthodontics. It is called “lingual” because orthodontics is applied on the area of the tongue in contact with the teeth, leaving the external and visible part of the teeth free.

Different types of brackets can be used:

  • Ceramic brackets.
  • Metal brackets.
  • Plastic brackets.
  • Gold alignment brackets.

Unlike the first three, gold alignment brackets are more precise and adaptable because they are custom-made and reduce adaptation time by minimizing friction and discomfort in the oral cavity.

Cases where lingual orthodontics can be applied

The dentist will be in charge of deciding in which cases this technique can be applied, taking into account the patient’s diagnosis and history. However, there are a number of cases in which lingual orthodontics may be applied:

  • Crossbite.
  • Open bite.
  • Overbite.
  • Crowded teeth.
  • Multiple movements.
  • Diastasis (separation of teeth).
  • General malocclusions.

Advantages and disadvantages of lingual orthodontics

Like any other technique, lingual orthodontics has a series of advantages, but also disadvantages, although they are not obvious.

Among its advantages are:

  • The treatment is not perceived because the orthodontics is integrated into the inner face of the teeth.
  • It is easier to preserve the enamel on the outside of the teeth, since it is not damaged by orthodontics.
  • Facilitates oral hygiene.
  • Treatment time is reduced, as the movements are usually more precise.
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As for the disadvantages:

  • It requires a longer adaptation period than in the case of conventional orthodontics. – More frequent control visits.
  • Greater complexity in maintaining oral hygiene.
  • Favors the appearance of canker sores.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the treatment last?

The treatment depends on each case, so it is not necessary to determine an exact duration. However, depending on the material used, it can last up to two years.

Is it painful?

No, the treatment is not painful but the adaptation to the mouth is a slow process due to the location of the brackets. Some patients take two to three weeks to complete the adaptation process.

In what cases is it advisable to use this type of orthodontics?

It is a type of treatment that is in great demand by young people and adults of different ages and, above all, by people with public exposure such as actors or journalists.

Does it entail difficulties in speech or eating?

No. Once the adaptation period is over, the patient can articulate words, chew and digest food without difficulty.