Differences in hair transplantation techniques: FUSS and FUE

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of hair transplantation?

Each hair transplant technique used in Plastic Surgery has its advantages, indications and disadvantages.

  1. Time to perform the technique. For a transplant session of 2500 follicular units with the FUSS technique, our expert hands take 4 hours, with the FUE technique can be doubled, tripled and even schedule the transplant in two days.
  2. Cost. The FUE technique costs 40 to 50% more than the FUSS technique.
  3. Scarring in the donor area. The FUE technique leaves small circular scars that are hardly noticeable even with shaved hair. The FUS technique leaves a single linear scar covered by your hair.
  4. Loss of the hair to be grafted. Because the station (cutting) of the grafts with the FUE technique is performed blindly, there may be a loss of these, in greater or lesser number, depending on the experience of the team. With the FUS technique, the cutting of the grafts is performed under direct vision with magnifying loupes that control this delicate process at all times.
  5. Subsequent transplants. Due to the small circular scars that are produced with the FUE technique in the donor area, it is very difficult to consider a new hair transplant with this FUE technique when the grafts are extracted from previous donor areas. The FUS technique by leaving a single linear scar leaves the donor area very well prepared for future extractions of the grafts.
  6. Contraindications. The FUE technique cannot be performed on patients with fine hair, with poor density or with curly hair.
  7. Number of grafts per session. Currently, we offer three types of sessions to the patient who wishes to undergo the FUE technique:
  • Sessions of 800 to 1000 grafts with a transplant duration of 5 to 6 hours.
  • Sessions of 1000 to 1500 grafts with a duration of surgery of 6 to 8 hours. Longer duration of surgery is very poorly tolerated by the patient and by the team. Remember that it is local anesthesia with sedation, not general anesthesia.
  • Sessions over 1500 grafts should be scheduled in two days.
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With the FUSS (strip) technique, we propose a single session of 2000 to 2500 grafts with a transplant duration of 4 to 5 hours.