When to start orthodontic treatment in children?

The best age for orthodontic treatment begins with early detection of any problems, so the earlier a child is taken to a pediatric dentist and regular follow-up visits are initiated, the less likely there will be complications. There is no best age, but rather the diagnosis and starting age must be individualized for each patient.

Types of orthodontics for children

The types of orthodontics most commonly used for treatment in children are:

  • Preventive Orthodontics: this is used in young children (3-6 years old) and aims to eliminate habits that have a negative effect on the correct development of the jaws and dentition. For example, thumb sucking or lip biting.
  • Interceptive Orthodontics: used before the replacement of permanent teeth is completed. Orthopedic appliances are frequently used. Its objective is to intervene in time to avoid major and even more costly complications that may have an effect on the correct development of the dentition, occlusion and jaw growth.
  • Corrective Orthodontics: this is the type of orthodontics in which fixed appliances are placed with conventional or esthetic brackets, or by means of invisible orthodontics. Its main objective is to correct the position and alignment of the teeth if they are crowded, crossed, included and/or if it is necessary to open or close spaces for their correct location in the arch.

Each type of orthodontic treatment has a specific indication. The specialist will be the one who, after a previous individualized diagnosis, will choose the type of orthodontics to be performed according to the specific problem in each case.

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All types of orthodontics offer many advantages when applied at the right time.

Orthodontics: Do I have to wait to have my wisdom teeth removed?

It is not necessary to wait to undergo orthodontic treatment; only if they represent a risk to the second molars or a difficulty or impediment to orthodontic treatment.

The best age for orthodontic treatment begins with early detection of any problems. Therefore, the earlier the child is taken to the pediatric dentist and regular follow-up visits are initiated, the less likely there will be complications. There is no best age for orthodontics, but rather individualize the diagnosis and age of onset for each patient.