Are porcelain veneers better than composite veneers

Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite that are placed on the front of the teeth. Their purpose is to improve the shape and color of the teeth and to rejuvenate smiles by brightening them.

Veneers are cemented directly on the tooth. Porcelain veneers are bonded with special cements, while composite veneers are molded by hand to obtain the desired shape.

What is the difference between porcelain and composite veneers?

Porcelain veneers are made of glass-reinforced ceramics and are fabricated in a specialized laboratory.

Composite veneers, on the other hand, are esthetic resins that are brushed onto the tooth, manually and in the dental office.
Both materials are highly esthetic and biocompatible. However, porcelain veneers have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, while composite veneers are estimated to last about 7 years.

What kind of care should be taken?

Both porcelain and composite veneers can undergo the same pathological processes as natural teeth. That is, they wear down and chip, so it is recommended to have annual check-ups with a dental specialist and maintain proper oral hygiene.

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