What are the main methods of Assisted Reproduction?

Assisted reproduction techniques can be classified into two groups.

Low complexity techniques:

  • Programmed intercourse
  • Sperm capacitation
  • Artificial insemination
  • Sperm freezing

High complexity techniques:

  • In vitro fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  • Ovodonation
  • Vitrification

What does it depend on to use one or the other?

Experts decide which type is more appropriate for each patient depending on several factors such as the degree of infertility or age.

In addition, the reproductive potential of both members of the couple must be evaluated. For this purpose, various analyses are performed, such as a basal hormone analysis (FSH, LH, Estradiol, progesterone), seminogram, karyotype, etc.

What percentage of effectiveness do they have? Are there any possible complications?

It is unrealistic to speak of percentages of estimated effectiveness for each patient, because it will depend on each woman, her clinical history and her circumstances, but each clinic manages with certain figures according to the pregnancy rate achieved with their treatments.

For example, at iGin we have a 77% success rate in the first IVF attempt and 83% in ovodonation.

What requirements must the patient meet to undergo treatment?

When a couple does not achieve pregnancy after a year of trying, it will be necessary to carry out a study to determine the possible cause, as well as the need for fertility treatment.

Read Now 👉  Egg donation is one of the treatments that provide a better prognosis for pregnancy in Assisted Reproduction

The time frame is somewhat indicative: after the age of 35 the recommendation to see a specialist is after six months, but if there is any important factor (polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, etc.) the consultation should be immediate.