Egg donation is one of the treatments that provide a better prognosis for pregnancy in Assisted Reproduction

The need to receive donated eggs is becoming more and more frequent due to the fact that the age to seek gestation has been delayed over the years. However, the aging of the eggs is not the only indication, since there are other pathologies that make it necessary, such as early menopause, poor oocyte quality, the presence of hereditary genetic diseases…

At CREA we look for quality in Ovodonation. We care for our donors as much as we care for our patients. We select a donor for each recipient, in order to have a good number of eggs and improve the chances of success.

All donors are screened by expanding the requirements of the Law, ruling out sexually transmitted diseases and assessing, up to the third generation, a history of diseases that could be transmitted to offspring. Likewise, a genetic screening is performed and other genetic diseases of higher prevalence are evaluated. Each donor is evaluated by our Psychology Department and by the Gynecology team.

Once a donor is selected for a recipient, the cycle of both is synchronized so that the donor’s ovulation is stimulated while the uterus of the recipient is prepared.

The oocytes recovered from the donor are inseminated with the sperm of the recipient woman’s partner. The embryos thus generated are incubated and closely monitored. Subsequently, they will be transferred to the uterus of the recipient woman or they will be vitrified so that they can be used in subsequent cycles.

Ovodonation is anonymous and the choice of the donor is made by the medical team. Many of our egg donors are also blood donors, which reflects their solidarity. At CREA we give special importance to the involvement of the donor when participating in this altruistic act that is egg donation, so it is common for them to donate more than once.

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Egg Donation is one of the treatments that provide the best prognosis for pregnancy in assisted reproduction, because although the probability of pregnancy will also depend on the male factor and uterine receptivity, the fact that the eggs come from a young and healthy woman makes the chances of success are very high.

At CREA we want to offer you quality care as well as effectiveness. We are aware of how important and difficult it can be to take the step of deciding to undergo oocyte donation. That is why we offer our patients our Psychology Department, which provides professional support, as well as the advice and help of the entire CREA medical and paramedical team.