Becoming a mother when you want to

Times have changed, motherhood has changed, and today many women do not even consider having children at their most fertile time. For this reason, the specialty of reproductive medicine advises treatments that allow women to become mothers when they wish.

In this sense, professionals today have a very important social task. We have been trying for years to convince women how important it is not to postpone motherhood beyond the age of 35. Many times the lack of information deprives those women of the possibility of becoming mothers in the future with their own gametes.

The reality is that nowadays most women in their 30s put other projects that demand all their attention before motherhood. At the age of 30 we do not consider motherhood and it seems very justifiable, but the problem is when we turn 38 and we see it still far away. Oocyte quality decreases with age. After the age of 35, fertility decreases and the chances of gestation with our own eggs are less and less.

Fertility preservation

In order to become a mother when one wishes, fertility preservation is a technique that is increasingly used and with good results, since oocytes of the highest quality are saved. Two profiles of women could benefit from fertility preservation: women between 25-35 years old, childless but with a clear desire to have children in the future, and women over 35 years old, without a partner, who know that their fertility is approaching decline and prefer to look for a partner before having children.

It is essential that reproductive experts make available to all women of reproductive age information about the possibility of preserving fertility, and about the opportunity offered by the Spanish Law of Assisted Human Reproduction to be single mothers by choice. FIV Madrid is a center with more than 20 years dedicated exclusively to Assisted Reproduction and for years we have been dedicated to informing our patients about the importance of their age when it comes to achieving a pregnancy.