The FUE technique is the most chosen technique for a permanent hair transplant with more natural results

Dr. Afonso Junior has managed to find the perfect combination to recreate permanent, functional hair adapted to each patient with hair grafting. The FUE technique developed at Clinicas Dr. Pelo offers 100% natural results that “not even the hairdresser notices”.

What does the FUE technique for hair grafting consist of?

The Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE technique with implants is an outpatient procedure consisting of two stages: the first stage consists of the extraction of the Follicular Units with a cylindrical scalpel or micropunch of the single, double or triple follicles, according to the needs of each patient. In the second stage the Follicular Units are implanted with implanters one by one. This technique significantly improves the appearance of patients with alopecia. However, it should be remembered that it does not consist of creating new hair, but rather transferring the patient’s own hair from the back to the front of the scalp. By using the patient’s own hair, more natural results are obtained.

How long does it take?

It is a slow and painstaking process, as one by one hair transplantation takes time. But on the other hand, it does not present any post-surgical risk, it is a painless and non-invasive procedure, which is performed under local tumescent anesthesia and requires a very short recovery time. The patient can return to normal life almost immediately, the incisions of less than one millimeter heal within a maximum of 48 hours and leave no scars.

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What is the price of hair transplant with FUE technique?

The prices of hair transplants vary widely depending on the needs of each patient, such as the extent of the area to be treated. Thus, an operation to transplant 3,000 hairs, i.e. 1,500 grafts, is only €3,500. In the case of more severe baldness, the patient will require two days of surgery and the price will be 6,500 Euros including the implantation of 2,500 Follicular Units or 5,000 hairs.