How does diet influence sexual health?

Sex Hormones

During the childbearing years and also in menopause, it is important to pay attention to diet. Certain foods can improve our sexual health.

The diet we follow intervenes directly and indirectly in all aspects of our health. According to the specialist in Tocogynecology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Geriatrics, hormonal and dietary imbalances can be relevant factors in the decline of women’s reproductive capacity, since a good hormonal balance is important for the achievement of an active and balanced ovulation that makes gestation possible”. The same is true for men. For Dr. José Mª Pomerol Monseny, co-director of the Institute of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (IANDROMS), although there is little scientific research that demonstrates the benefit of certain foods on the fertile capacity of men, the truth is that “the production of spermatozoa, as well as their quality (mobility, shape, vitality) and their transport by the seminal route depend on a large number of factors that, in theory, can be favored by elements contained in certain food products”. Hence, for good sexual and reproductive health, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition.

During menopause…

“Menopause should be understood as a normal and fisiological period in a woman’s life, in which the organism must learn to function with a progressive decrease in the action of the main hormones (estrogens and progesterone). It would be something similar to a cure of natural dishabituation of the body to some substances, natural drugs, which up to that moment have been manufactured by the ovary and which act on the whole organism”, assures Dr. Pomerol. During this period, chills and hot flashes, anxiety, sadness and digestive and sleep problems are common. In addition, many women suffer an increase in bone wear and tear (fisiological osteoporosis), so, as the tocogynecologist advises, “it is important to control by densitometry and follow a diet with natural products rich in calcium (especially dairy products, although it may be necessary to take nutritional supplements based on calcium and vitamins), as well as avoiding excess fats and sugars, which can increase weight and body mass”.

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Foods for good male sexual health

1. According to Dr. Pomerol, vitamins A (tomato, kiwi, orange, chicken, beef, liver), B (brown rice, cherry, peanut, corn, green leafy vegetables), B12 (offal, meat, milk), C (milk, vegetables) and E (nuts, avocado, seeds, cereals, E (nuts, avocado, seeds, cereals, egg, lettuce), as well as minerals (zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium) and omega 3 fatty acids (oily fish) promote hormone production, transmission of orders from the brain to the penis and adequate blood flow.

2. Basil, onion, garlic, black pepper, cloves, ginseng, ginger, dark chocolate, banana and chili are associated with an increased blood risk in the urogenital tract.

3. The amino acid L-ARGININE (chicken, beef and turkey) is very important in the generation of nitric oxide, an essential vasodilator in erection.

4. Antioxidants (pomegranate, nuts, asparagus) can strengthen the immune system, raise the body’s oxygen and improve blood circulation in the penis.

5. Avocado, celery, oatmeal, cinnamon, chocolate, strawberry, apple, seafood, honey, bee pollen, pistachio, ginseng… are considered to be aphrodisiacs…

Male diet

According to Dr. Pomerol, “antioxidants, such as vitamins C (citrus fruits, vegetables such as garlic or onion, fresh fruits such as strawberry, pineapple or papaya, and nuts such as hazelnut or almond) and E (nuts, olive oil) and arginine (onion, garlic, cabbage, bell pepper, orange, carrot, lettuce, spinach) are essential in the production and quality of sperm”. On the other hand, there is research showing that certain factors can have a negative effect on male fertility: “this is the case of obesity, following a diet poor in antioxidants or consuming too much soy, coffee and alcohol,” adds the doctor.