No-scalpel, needle-free, painless vasectomy

When a man is interested in vasectomy, he is particularly concerned about the pain that the procedure may cause him.

Dr. Josep Miquel Viladoms, urologist and andrologist, and member of Top Doctors, presents the no-scalpel, no needle and, best of all, painless vasectomy.

What does the procedure consist of?

The technique applied by Dr. Viladoms was designed in China some 30 years ago. It proved so effective that its practice soon spread throughout the world.

In the expert hands of a specialist in Andrology, it takes no more than 6-8 minutes, does not require any cutting and even the anesthesia is administered by a spray gun, with no discomfort for the patient.

The same day of the intervention, normal activity can be resumed (driving, working…) except for sports such as cycling.

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