Facial fillers, before and after

Facial fillers are flexible substances that we can inject into the skin to improve fine wrinkles, dehydrated and turgorless lips, augment cheekbones, repair facial imperfections, improve scars and elevate deep furrows.

There are different types of facial fillers, such as collagen, fat and the most used in our centers, which is Hyaluronic Acid, since it does not involve allergy tests or surgical treatments. This, together with a great efficacy at low cost and with minimal risks, makes it currently our facial filler system of choice.

There are several types of hyaluronic acids on the market, depending on the area to be treated, the type of skin or the patient’s expectations, the professional will choose the most appropriate for each case.

Duration of facial fillers

The result, duration and frequency of treatment will depend primarily on the type of filler we use, the areas treated and the ability of the patient’s skin to reabsorb the materials. The results generally last between 8 and 18 months, although it is advisable in most cases to carry out “reminder” sessions that will allow us to prolong the result with a smaller amount of product. Combined techniques such as the use of botulinum toxin in expression wrinkles also favor a longer duration of the result.

Hyaluronic acid, safe and effective

Facial fillers are generally considered safe and effective. The specialist after taking a medical history will decide if there is a medical contraindication to carry out the treatment and if it is the most appropriate in that case.