Sports Podiatry

What is sports podiatry?

Podiatry is a medical specialty that deals with foot problems. This could include foot injuries, deformities, infections, or problems caused by conditions such as diabetes.

A sports podiatrist specializes in the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. In general, a sports podiatrist can be consulted if you want to understand the effect of playing sports on your feet or if you need support to improve your performance.

Who can they help?

A sports podiatrist can help people with a variety of problems, not necessarily all foot-related. This is because the way we walk or run can cause injuries to other parts of the body. You could see a sports podiatrist if you suffer from:

  • Foot and toe pain.
  • Ankle problems
  • Heel pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Calf or Achilles tendon problems
  • Leg and shin pain
  • Low back pain

The sports podiatrist sees people of all ages and skill levels. They work with both elite athletes and amateur runners.

Sports injuries can present in two forms: acute and chronic. An acute injury involves a specific episode of trauma (e.g., a fall or collision), while a chronic sports injury involves the gradual onset of pain and other symptoms over a long period of time. Most people who see a sports podiatrist usually have chronic sports injuries.

The way we walk can cause injuries.

What does it involve?

Treatment usually begins with an evaluation, often referred to as a biomechanical evaluation.

This involves looking at the way you move and how you use your legs and feet, to detect where the pressure is falling and what forces are acting on your foot.

The exercises and technology involved can vary from clinic to clinic. Gait analysis, in particular, is a rapidly evolving area and some clinics can now create 3D motion simulations of how you run using a set of cameras and special software.

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After the assessment, the podiatrist can give advice on:

  • Appropriate or supportive footwear
  • How to strengthen your joints
  • How to adjust your gait
  • What movements to avoid to prevent injury

The podiatrist can also provide short-term support by taping or strapping, do some exercises to mobilize the joints, and refer the patient to an appropriate exercise plan.

Finally, if the podiatrist specializes in orthotics, he or she can advise you on the right type of orthotic to further support your foot and realign your skeleton to your ideal position.

What ongoing care do I receive?

This varies from person to person.

If you are recovering from an injury, for example, an initial assessment might involve providing you with the right support in terms of footwear and orthotics, and a training program to gradually build up previous capabilities.

If you have a chronic injury but your symptoms are mild, you may only need one or two appointments to get advice on how to adjust your movements and exercise regimen.

Alternatives to sports podiatry

If you experience acute pain, swelling or weakness in your feet, it is important, in the first instance, to see a GP or, in urgent cases, go to the emergency department.

For chronic pain caused by an inflammatory condition such as arthritis, you should continue the medical treatment prescribed by your rheumatologist, as well as his or her advice on exercise. However, the advice of a sports podiatrist may be helpful in conjunction with existing treatment, as it focuses specifically on the sports context.