Benign Breast Pathology

What are benign breast diseases?

Benign breast diseases (or benign breast conditions) are non-cancerous disorders of the breast that can occur in both men and women.

What are the causes of breast lumps?

The appearance of benign breast lumps can be caused by changes in the breasts such as infection, injury and the intake of medications such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Products containing soy and caffeine can also cause benign breast tumors. Throughout a woman’s life, breast tissue is constantly changing and is sensitive to the hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone, which fluctuate during menstruation.

Benign breast pathology can occur in both men and women.

What are the different types of benign breast conditions?

The types of non-cancerous breast conditions are:

  • Fibrocystic changes: occur due to changes in hormone levels during normal menstrual cycles. Cysts are small benign sacs that are filled with fluid. The texture and size of the lump usually increases weeks before the menstrual period occurs and returns to normal the following week. Fibrocystic changes are the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women 35 to 50 years of age due to hormones in the breast tissue.
  • Simple cysts are fluid-filled sacs that may appear as single or multiple cysts and may also vary in size. The texture and size of the cyst changes with the menstrual cycle and even with caffeine consumption.
  • Fibroadenomas are the most common benign solid tumors. They are round and have a rubbery, slippery texture and can move freely between the breasts. They are usually painless.
  • Atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia.
  • Intraductal papillomas are small wart-like growths. They develop in the breast duct lining of the nipple, which may cause bleeding or discharge.
  • Traumatic fat necrosis: occurs if there has been trauma, injury or sudden surgery to the breasts, fatty lumps may form. The lumps are round, firm, hard and painless.
  • Lobular carcinoma in situ
  • Adenosis
  • Cystosarcoma or phyllodes tumor
  • Granular cell tumors
  • Mastitis
  • Ductal ectasia
  • Fatty or oily cysts
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How often should I perform a self-examination of my breasts?

It is recommended that you perform monthly self-examinations of your breasts, to perceive any possible changes that occur each month. They should be done at the same time of day and 3 to 5 days after the end of your menstrual cycle.

How are benign breast conditions treated?

Fibrocystic changes do not need any treatment. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) can be used to treat simple cysts, whereby fluid is removed so that the cyst collapses. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove larger, more painful lumps.

How can I maintain good breast health?

The following guidelines are recommended to monitor your breasts:

  • Perform breast self-examination every month.
  • Mammograms
  • Follow up on your family medical history
  • Visit a specialist for an evaluation to determine if you are at risk for breast cancer.