The success of oncologic surgery, a pillar of patient survival

Cancer is a very common disease and the second leading cause of death in Spain, after cardiovascular diseases. Over the last few years, survival has improved steadily, achieving great advances due to new pharmacological therapies and hyper-specialization in the surgical treatment of many types of cancer. To fight cancer, we have three main tools at … Read more

When to go to the gynecologist for the first time and why?

Adolescent gynecology is the personalized care of young people who need to be evaluated by a gynecologist. What are the main reasons for consultation in adolescents? Normally, specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in visits to adolescents, treat: Problems with menstruation, such as pain (dysmenorrhea), excessive bleeding, missed menses (amenorrhea) or irregular bleeding. Acne and hirsutism … Read more

How to distinguish a candidiasis from a cystitis, and how they should be avoided

Candidiasis is a vaginal infection caused by a fungus, Candida. Cystitis, on the other hand, is an infection of the bladder caused by bacteria, the most common being Escherichia coli. Why do candidiasis and cystitis appear? Candidiasis usually appears because there is an alteration in the vaginal flora. All women have in our flora bacteria … Read more

What is Asherman’s syndrome and what consequences can it have?

Asherman’s syndrome is a pathology characterized by the presence of intrauterine adhesions or scarring in the uterine cavity. It usually appears after uterine curettage. This disease has a series of consequences such as an increased risk of amenorrhea or lack of menstruation, reduced fertility, miscarriages and abnormal placentation. Is uterine adhesions the same as Asherman’s … Read more

Probiotics, fertility and microbiota

In this article Dr. Ros discusses probiotic treatments when the microbiota is altered in women, such as in cases of repeated miscarriages and/or implantation failure. The relationship between fertility, the microbiota and the use of probiotics is a subject that is currently under debate and study. What is the microbiota? The microbiota is the set … Read more

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

What is human papillomavirus? Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that infects the skin and mucous membranes in humans. There are over 100 different types, most of which are harmless, but some types are associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer or cervical dysplasia (abnormal changes in the cells on the surface of the … Read more

Gynecologic cancer

Gynecologic cancer is any cancer that occurs in the organs of the female reproductive system, located in the pelvic area below the stomach and between the hips. Cancers are differentiated according to the area of the body in which they are generated. Within the gynecological cancer, we can differentiate five types: Cervical cancer Ovarian cancer … Read more