How to distinguish a candidiasis from a cystitis, and how they should be avoided

Candidiasis is a vaginal infection caused by a fungus, Candida. Cystitis, on the other hand, is an infection of the bladder caused by bacteria, the most common being Escherichia coli.

Why do candidiasis and cystitis appear?

Candidiasis usually appears because there is an alteration in the vaginal flora. All women have in our flora bacteria and fungi in balance. If something alters it is when the infection appears (changes in the defenses, in the vaginal pH, menstruation, etc.).

Cystitis, on the other hand, is usually caused by contamination. E. Coli, for example, is a bacterium that is part of the perianal flora but, if it reaches the bladder, it causes infection.

What are the symptoms of candidiasis and cystitis? Are they associated with any season of the year? Why?

The most common symptoms of candidiasis are itching and the appearance of a thick, whitish discharge. It is more frequent in summer, as fungi grow more easily in damp places. Hence, the bathing suit should not be kept wet.

Cystitis causes pain and stinging when urinating, and the patient usually has the sensation of constantly wanting to go to the bathroom, even if he/she went 5 minutes ago. In the same way as candidiasis, it is very frequent in summer, since humidity favors this type of infection.

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However, it is important to note that both infections are common throughout the year.

Do candidiasis and cystitis affect men and women equally? Why?

They are much more common in women. Candidiasis is usually asymptomatic in men and is not usually treated unless the partner has repeated infections. If the specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics treats the woman but the man is still a carrier of the fungus, it can happen again and the symptoms may recur. However, in most cases it is sufficient to treat the woman.

Cystitis is also more frequent in women, as our urethra is closer to the perianal area than in men. However, if a man has cystitis it is usually a more significant infection than in women, and is usually accompanied by more symptoms, such as fever.