Medical Certificate

What is a medical certificate?

A medical certificate is a written testimony confirming that the applicant possesses the necessary requirements of fitness for the exercise of a specific activity. There are different types of certificates, each of them issued by the corresponding medical specialist and, depending on the type of certificate, it can be mandatory or optional.

There are different types of certificates

What does it consist of?

The first thing to do to obtain a medical certificate, regardless of the type of certificate, is to contact the primary care physician who, depending on the case, may either issue the certificate himself or refer the patient to the most appropriate specialist. The patient should inform the physician of the reason for which he/she wants to request a certificate and undergo a visit.

Why is it done?

The medical certificate is requested to confirm that the applicant has the necessary requirements for the exercise of a specific activity. The most frequently issued medical certificates are:

  • Certificate of fitness to drive motor vehicles: to confirm that one possesses the physical and mental requirements necessary to obtain or renew a driving license.
  • Certificates of psychophysical suitability: this can be requested for many reasons, for example, to obtain a permit to carry a weapon, a nautical qualification, etc.
  • Certificate of exemption from the obligation to wear a seat belt: in case of specific pathologies or conditions (e.g. pregnancy).
  • Certificate for the issuance of a disability card: to obtain authorization to drive and park vehicles used by people with disabilities.
  • Certificate of good health and robustness: to certify, after medical examinations, the absence of infectious diseases and physical problems.
  • Certificate of competitive/non-competitive sporting aptitude
  • Certificate certifying the expected date of childbirth: in order to be able to apply the mandatory period of maternity leave
  • Certificate of fitness for work
  • Certificate of validation of the need for compulsory medical treatment (OST)
  • Certificate attesting to physical or psychological problems
  • Certificate of exemption from compulsory vaccinations: in case of persons suffering from an acute disease
  • Certificate of temporary incapacity for work
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Preparation for the medical certificate

The medical certificate is drawn up after a visit by a specialist and, for this reason, does not require special preparation. The interested party should bring the necessary documents and explain to the physician why he/she is requesting the certificate.

What does the examination feel like?

As it is a visit, the examination to obtain the medical certificate is not painful. In some cases, a stress test may be requested to assess the applicant’s physical ability or a psychological examination to assess the applicant’s mental health.