Obesity and Overweight

Overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that may be detrimental to health.

They are quantified by body mass index (BMI) . It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of his or her height (kg/m2).

– BMI > 25: overweight.

– BMI > 30: obese.

There is another index, the “body fat percentage”, which is much more reliable than the BMI, as it makes it possible to quantify and differentiate lean mass from fat. The most accurate way to quantify it, and the one we use in our practice, is by means of bioelectrical impedance devices.

Depending on the location of the fat, there are two types of obesity:

-peripheral (buttocks, thighs and arms).

-central (abdominal), the most harmful.

Waist circumference (more than 102 cm in men and >88 cm in women) quantifies central obesity.

Causes and consequences

Overweight is the fifth leading cause of mortality in the world.

The causes are multiple: genetic inheritance, behavior of the nervous, endocrine and metabolic system, lifestyle, but we could simplify by saying that it is due to:

– Excessive caloric intake

– Low physical activity

The main consequences are:

– Coronary heart disease

– Type 2 diabetes

– Cancer (endometrial, breast, colon…)

– Hypertension

– Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol or triglyceride levels)

– Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)

– Sleep apnea and respiratory problems

– Arthrosis

– Gynecological problems (abnormal menstruation, infertility), hepatic problems…

This risk increases with increasing BMI.

Preventing and combating

Overweight and obesity, as well as their associated diseases, can be prevented and treated. In our office we have an interdisciplinary team equipped with the most modern systems of diagnosis and treatment of obesity. After a thorough personal examination of each case, the doctor will indicate the most appropriate means to lose weight and reduce abdominal fat.

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Broadly speaking, the procedures are:

– Personalized diet adapted to each patient

– Increased physical exercise appropriate to each case, and change of lifestyle habits.

– Determination of associated pathologies by means of the most modern diagnostic methods.

– Genetic examination in some cases.

– Use of modern biomechanical methods

In the last few years a revolution is taking place in the coadjuvant methods of weight and fat reduction, represented by new and effective biomechanical techniques applied to this field. These include Lipocavitation and more recently Cryolipolysis, both based on physical principles that achieve a “liposuction without surgery” effect. After years of research, doctors from Massachusetts Hospital (Harvard University), presented their studies on the effectiveness of Cryolipolysis and the FDA approved its use in 2010. We currently have the most modern technology in the world at the service of our patients.

The ideal is to combine different biomechanical means with different techniques to achieve the best result.

The exhaustive medical and interdisciplinary control carried out in our office is a guarantee that these procedures achieve the desired objectives.