Metabolic Holter for Lifestyle Monitoring

The metabolic lifestyle Holter is a device that allows to determine, among other parameters:

  • Total Energy Expenditure in kilocalories per day.
  • METS or metabolic equivalent in Kcal/Hr/Kg
  • Duration and level of physical activity
  • Sleeping hours
  • Number of steps
  • Basal metabolism

How does the metabolic holter work and how does it perform the analysis?

The Holter is very easy and convenient to use. It allows to obtain real data of the patient’s life, second by second, in periods of 24 hours.

This provides the Internal Medicine professional with an objective analysis to use with the patient in order to carry out a personalized diet.

Where is the metabolic holter placed and what are its applications?

The use of the Holter is very discreet. It is worn under clothing and, unlike other holters, is very comfortable during use, whether the patient is sleeping, exercising or carrying out daily activities.

The applications of the monitor are manifold. It has many clinical and research uses, which can benefit from a system that monitors beyond the laboratory. Thus, it is a system that is very important in programs where it is necessary to monitor energy consumption, physical activity, lifestyle and quality of life, stress level or behaviors related to the patient’s habits.