A new App for the prevention of skin cancer

Dr. Carlos Guillén, a member of Top Doctors, has collaborated in the creation of Sunquiet. An innovative application to monitor sun exposure and care for the skin during the central hours of the day.

One of the factors associated with the appearance of skin cancer is sunburn. This occurs when people are exposed to ultraviolet radiation in a time that exceeds the resistance of our skin type due to the low amount of melanin (tanning) that is capable of producing our skin type or by the intensity of radiation that changes depending on the time of day and the geographical latitude where we are. To avoid all these problems, this App monitors sun exposure according to the ultraviolet index in force or predicted in the place where the user is located by geolocation. This application tells us how long we can be exposed to the sun without getting sunburned and how long we can stay in the sun depending on the sunscreen we use and thus achieve a natural tan while avoiding sunburn.

Personalized registration

With a quick and easy configuration, SunQuiet generates a profile or phototype based on the user’s skin, hair and eyes. In this way, all the guidelines and advice offered by the application are personalized and adapted to each skin type, avoiding generic data and recommendations. The application records a history of exposures. In this way, users can keep a detailed record of their sun exposure and, if they wish, make it available to their dermatologist, which will make it easier for them to monitor their skin.

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Prevention of skin cancer

Downloading the application is completely free for both iOS and Android devices. In addition, SunQuiet has a blog where medical contents about the benefits of a correct sun exposure are periodically published. If throughout our lives we have suffered many sunburns and have many moles, we could be considered a person at risk for skin cancer.