Decalogue for children with atopic dermatitis

This Decalogue can guide patients with atopic dermatitis, ten tips to control and care for the skin:

  1. It is recommended that children with atopic dermatitis take a daily bath. Preferably it should be short and without excessively hot water, as this worsens the itching. In addition, there are numerous cleansing products without detergent (syndet) that do not damage the skin and favor its hydration.
  2. After showering, the child’s skin should be dried gently, without rubbing with the towel, using light touches.
  3. It is advisable to use cotton clothes. In many occasions the wool worsens the itching.
  4. Avoid scratching the lesions. Scratching increases inflammation and also increases the risk of bacterial and viral infections, since wounds may appear that serve as an entry point for infectious agents.
  5. High temperature environments and tight clothing increase sweating. This increases itching and the need to scratch.
  6. The use of moisturizing creams is highly indicated, as it helps to prevent new outbreaks. They should be applied on healthy xerotic skin without eczema, when it has already been cured by appropriate medical treatments. The best time to use them is after a bath or shower.
  7. Topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus, pimecrolimus) help to control eczema, although their use should be regulated by the dermatologist.
  8. Patients with atopic dermatitis often also suffer from other associated conditions such as asthma, pollen allergy or food intolerances. Since in many cases these disorders follow independent courses, only those foods that clearly worsen the dermatitis should be avoided.
  9. For some patients swimming in swimming pools worsens their symptoms. Barrier creams are available on the market, which, when applied beforehand, protect the skin from chlorine irritation.
  10. Sun exposure can be beneficial, although sunburn should always be avoided.