Rhinoplasty, present and future of Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery has established itself as one of the most demanded procedures in Aesthetic Surgery today.

Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has gained great importance in the world of medicine and more and more people wish to touch up or improve some part of their body through this procedure. Within the category of facial surgeries, rhinoplasty or nose surgery is one of the most demanded aesthetic operations by patients.

The nose job requires a delicate technique on the part of the surgeon, since in his hands is the ability to achieve a harmonious nose in harmony with the rest of the face; we are talking about a fundamental element of facial expression, and one of the most characteristic features of people.

What is the procedure of a rhinoplasty operation?

At the first appointment, the plastic surgeon will inform the patient of what the operation consists of, indicating what the procedures are, and will take the patient’s medical history. After an initial examination, and after studying the nasal areas, certain health parameters are measured, such as general condition or medical history. In some cases other complementary tests may also be required, such as blood tests or electrocardiograms.

What is the preoperative period for rhinoplasty?

Before starting the operation, the patient must have followed the guidelines previously indicated by the specialist. Among the special care is recommended not to take during the week prior to surgery aspirin, anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen or other drugs with the ability to alter clotting.

In the same line, herbal products should not be taken during the fifteen days prior to surgery, and for smokers it is recommended not to smoke during the previous days. In case the patient suffers any kind of discomfort, he/she could take nolotil or paracetamol. During the night before surgery, the patient may dine normally, but may not eat or drink food or liquids from twelve o’clock at night.

What does a rhinoplasty consist of?

Depending on the complexity of the case, the duration of the operation of the nose can last between one and three hours. The surgery is always performed under general anesthesia and under the control of an anesthesiologist, who will be present in the operating room for the entire duration of the operation.

Previously, the surgeon will have informed the patient of the usual and extraordinary measures that will be taken into account to ensure their safety. Once the anesthesia takes effect, first the surgical field will be sterilized, and then the operation will begin.

In a rhinoplasty operation, in addition to modifying the shape and/or size of the nose, respiratory function can also be improved when it is hampered by problems in the septum or nasal valves (setoplasty). Therefore, apart from an aesthetic purpose, rhinoplasty can also be important for the functional or respiratory aspect.

There are two types of rhinoplasty, depending on where the incision is made.

  • Closed rhinoplasty: the incisions are hidden inside the nostrils.
  • Open rhinoplasty: a small external incision is made at the base of the nasal columella.

Each one has particular indications, but whether one or another rhinoplasty is performed, to modify the external aspect of the nose, the bone and the cartilages must be modeled, thus changing the shape of the nasal tip, the dorsum, the projection, the height and the proportions between its different parts.

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The cartilage of the nasal septum will be modified whenever it is responsible for hindering the passage of air, and it can also be used as a cartilage donor when it is necessary to place it in another area.

Sometimes, it is the nasal valves and turbinates that hinder the passage of air in the nose, and each case is treated individually.

In the final result of a rhinoplasty also plays an important role the nasal mucosa, so it will be treated delicately and conservatively, in order to have a nose according to facial proportions and without the stigma of surgery.

What is the postoperative period after rhinoplasty?

In less than three hours, the rhinoplasty will be finished. Once the operation is over, the patient will go to the ICU before returning to his room, where he will remain for a day for observation and rest.

The postoperative period is not usually very painful, although during the first two or three days it usually generates pain due to inflammation. In fact, at the beginning, the main discomfort lies in having the nose obstructed. If pain occurs, it will be controlled by painkillers.

After surgery, the patient should rest in a semi-sitting position and should drink plenty of fluids due to the dryness caused by oral respiration. Once the nasal packing has been removed, it is advisable to apply physiological saline solution regularly, although the nasal bandage and splint should be maintained for at least three weeks. Once this time has elapsed and the bandages have been removed, the nose should be protected with photoprotective cream. In the event that the original characteristics of the nose reappear, massages are recommended.

Due to the usual postoperative pain after a nose operation, the surgeon will prescribe the appropriate medications, and once the hospital stay is over, the treatment should be followed at home. It is recommended to sleep on your back, avoid physical exertion during the following week and avoid smoking. In addition, it is advisable to eat a diet rich in fiber and drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation.

In summary, the main recommendations for the postoperative period after rhinoplasty are the following:

  • Sleep with the head somewhat elevated during the first three or four days.
  • Do not rest anything on the nasal splint.
  • If bruises appear on cheeks or eyelids, do not worry, as they will disappear in a few days.
  • Take a walk but protect your eyes from the sun
  • Apply sunscreen
  • Avoid physical efforts during the first weeks
  • Avoid situations that may raise blood pressure.
  • Sneeze while exhaling air through the mouth to avoid displacing nasal packing.
  • Use a humidifier
  • Avoid exposure to cold air

For more information consult the website of FEMM Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine or call 912086273.