Relaxation and Impulse Control: The Health-10 Online Chat

The Health-10 Nutrition Unit offers, this Wednesday January 28th at 19h, an online talk about how to detect and control our impulses.

Sometimes it is difficult to deal with negative emotions, such as tension or stress. These situations make us feel fear, insecurity, anger or anguish and we often seek immediate relief to this discomfort, for example, eating compulsively, which will surely involve a feeling of guilt later.

There are other ways to react to these states of discomfort and knowing these alternatives can help to deal with stress and life’s setbacks in general. The aim of Salud-10’s online talk is, first of all, to help detect these emotions and, in this way, to be able to choose how we react to them.

Clinical psychologist Mª Eugenia Torrente Del Blanco, will give an orientation about relaxation techniques that can be carried out in a daily routine, as well as methods to control our impulses. The webinar will offer the opportunity to ask questions live, either in person or online.

This webinar is yet another activity by Salud-10 to disseminate health information, this time using the Internet to bring the information to interested people without the need to travel to attend.

Registration can already be done at [email protected] or by calling 971205728. Those registered will receive an email with access to the webinar on the same day of the conference and if they are unable to attend, they will receive access to the recording.