World Colon Cancer Day: keys to prevention and early detection

On March 31 is celebrated the World Day against Colon Cancer, one of the most frequent in Spain and that, together with rectal cancer, is among the first causes of mortality in our country. Although early detection is one of the key aspects in the early stages of cancer, it is also important to remember that maintaining healthy habits through a diet rich in fiber and moderate physical exercise are other elements to take into account, as they have been shown to reduce the risk of suffering from this disease.

The objective of this world day is none other than to raise awareness of the need to adopt these healthy habits, as well as the importance of early diagnosis. Colon or rectal cancer, depending on its location, affects more than 40,000 people each year and causes nearly 17,000 deaths per year, making it the second leading cause of death from cancer.

Early detection: colonoscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the rectum

Colonoscopy is one of the most widely used techniques for the detection of colon cancer, as it allows endoluminal navigation and the possibility of detecting polyps smaller than 6 mm. This test is used more frequently in patients with a family history, especially in those who present risk factors.

On the other hand, another technique used for the early detection of colon cancer is Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the rectum. This test, validated for carcinoma staging, is capable of detecting the location of the tumor, its depth in the rectal wall and the presence of local lymph nodes.

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Given the importance of early diagnosis, specialists recommend undergoing the first colonoscopy at around 45 years of age, both in men and women, as more and more cases are being detected in young people. In addition to the diagnostic tests already indicated, it is also important to consult a specialist in the event of any suspicion, as his or her assessment will determine whether or not the study should be advanced or not.

Prevention tips: physical exercise and diet

As we indicated at the beginning of this article, physical exercise and diet are two key factors in reducing the risk factors associated with this disease. It has been shown that saturated fats are correlated with high rates of colon cancer, while diets rich in fiber are less likely to develop the disease. The consumption of olive oil, salmon, walnuts and avocados is also recommended.

On the other hand, sedentary lifestyles and obesity should be avoided at all costs and physical activity should be encouraged. It is enough to dedicate 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day to maintain cardiovascular health and thus reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer. Finally, it goes without saying that alcohol and tobacco consumption should be limited, especially in patients with a family history.