Diet during breastfeeding: what and how to eat?

Many women wonder if they should follow a specific diet while breastfeeding their babies. While it may not be necessary to make major changes in what you eat and drink, it is important to keep a number of things in mind:

1. an extra calcium intake of 700 mg (i.e., 4 to 6 servings of dairy per day) should be ensured during breastfeeding.

2. The woman needs an extra energy intake of 500 kcal per day, i.e. even more than during pregnancy.

3. Milk production requires a high fluid intake.

4. Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and self-medication should be avoided.

5. There are some foods that can alter the taste of breast milk, such as artichokes, onions, asparagus, turnips, celery, leeks, garlic, peppers, cabbage and legumes, Although you do not have to eliminate these foods right away, you should monitor your baby’s reaction.

Many breastfeeding women feel very hungry, which is normal, as their bodies use up a lot of energy producing milk for their baby. The best solution is to eat less frequently but several times a day and, for this, you can carry a number of healthy snacks to be able to calm hunger attacks.

Breast milk can meet your baby’s nutritional needs even if you are not feeding well. Still, following a low-calorie diet or eating a diet that is based on one food group to the exclusion of others can affect the amount and quantity of your milk.