SECOIR monograph, a reference for phaco-refractive surgeons

“Optics for the Phaco-Refractive Surgeon” is the title of this year’s Official Monograph of the relevant national congress of the Spanish Society of Implant-Refractive Ocular Surgery (SECOIR) in Las Palmas. This year’s monograph has been directed and coordinated by Dr. Ramón Ruiz Mesa, from the Oftalvist Ophthalmology Group and member of Top Doctors.

The coordination of the 2015 Monograph was awarded to Dr. Ramón Ruiz Mesa unanimously, due to his extensive and recognized experience in this ophthalmological field. The result has been an articulated manuscript with more than 50 chapters and subchapters with a total of 480 pages. More than 100 authors and co-authors have collaborated in it, with Dr. Ramon Ruiz Mesa being directly in charge of 12 of the 50 chapters.

The objective of this monograph has been, from the beginning, to fill the gap that many residents (and non-residents) find when it comes to studying the optical basis of everything that occupies their daily work as phaco-refractive surgeons. Taking into account the changes that have taken place in recent years, it was something very necessary in this specialty, both in diagnostic or surgical technology and in scientific concepts.

The Official Monograph of the SECOIR National Congress aims to be a fundamental reference as it covers all possible aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of the different refractive and corneal pathologies. It includes everything from all types of multifocal and phakic lenses on the market, to the current prominence of femtosecond technology, computerized ocular tomography, laser and ring treatment of corneal pathologies, and even how to measure the quality and quantity of vision.t