Do you know obstetric and urogynecologic physiotherapy?

Obstetric and urogynaecological physiotherapy is the field of physiotherapy specialized in pathologies coming from obstetric and/or urogynaecological causes. To perform this type of rehabilitation, the physiotherapist must be specialized and qualified.

The type of treatment goes from prevention to recovery. We work with both male and female pathologies. Although incontinence and all its variables are the most common pathology, at Ruber Physios we have specialists in urological pathologies such as: prostatitis, pelvic floor hypotonia or hypertonia, nocturia, detrusor muscle hyperactivity, neurogenic bladder, cystocele, urinary urgency, recurrent cystitis. All these pathologies together with a medical treatment improve in a palpable way in a great number of cases.

Physiotherapy in obstetric patients:

We prepare the mother’s body for labor. Our goal is to give them tools to reduce pain during contractions, try to shorten labor as much as possible avoiding excessive pain and the rapid expulsion of the placenta. We also work on the physical aspect to avoid unnecessary back pain due to the weight of the abdomen and the breasts. We strengthen both the lower limb to better support the weight gained over the months and the upper limb to be ready when the baby is born.

Postpartum we work with manual therapy as well as with specific machinery, Biofeedback. Episiotomies, tears, prolapses, surgical wounds: all these pathologies deserve manual therapy, we perform both intracavitary techniques (intracavitary massage, cyriax, viscera mobilization, stretching, myofascial therapy, specific scar treatment) and non-invasive techniques: myofascial therapy, osteopathic mobilizations, neurosensory posturology, muscle chains.

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We also perform pelvic floor rehabilitation with exercises focused on the pelvic diaphragm and the recovery of the structures affected secondarily during pregnancy and childbirth: lumbar spine, shoulder girdle, lower limb, abdomen. Pilates, hyporesivos, modified kegel, but all of them constantly supervised by a specialist.

Physiotherapy in urological patients:

According to specialists in Physiotherapy, the treatment performed in urological patients consists of different techniques, from intracavitary manual therapies, neurosensorial posturology, electrotherapy both intra and extracavitary (pelvic floor and electrostimulation of the posterior tibial to work nocturia) to biofeedback to learn the control of the pelvic floor muscles and the reincorporation of this area within the patient’s body scheme. During the group treatment we work on pelvic floor control in different postures and as the treatment evolves we add difficulties such as unbalanced movements and postures.

The goal of this treatment is of course the improvement of the symptoms, but the most important thing is the education of the patient with tools that can be used in their Activities of Daily Living (ADL).