Medical technology for athletes now at your fingertips

The Fabrice Lefevre Method

At Fabrice Lefevre Institut we have the most advanced methods of synergy between osteopathy, ergonomics, posturology, micronutrition and physical and mental coaching, as well as the most advanced technology.

The aim of the institute is to ensure the well-being of all its users. We take as our starting point the affected person, understanding him or her as a unit formed by the sum of body and mind, and also the idea that each person is different and unique. We propose synergistic treatments based on the principles of evidence based medicine (evaluate, measure, treat), in order to solve the root of the problem.

Types of research and intervention

We have five different types of patient intervention. Each of them will be used after a study of the patient has been performed and a specialist has determined that it is the ideal methodology. The Fabrice Lefevre Institut’s methods are as follows:

  • Analysis

The global and specific aspects of the problem presented by the patient are observed and evaluated.

  • Integration

The human being is a chrono-biological unit where all mechanical, metabolic, physical and mental systems interact in time.

  • Synergy

We apply the ProBodyOne method, depending on the interaction of the systems and the environment where they interact, for example the human-machine-environment interface.

  • Adaptation

This is a method that adapts to objectives or needs that have previously been defined temporally.

  • Intervention

They apply their method through training, coaching, consulting and treatments.

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Techniques used by high-level sportsmen and women

At the Fabrice Lefevre facilities in Barcelona we have the most advanced medical technologies for health and aesthetic treatments. The most outstanding are:

  • Huber 360 Platform

This is a postural and neuro-sensory reprogramming tool that can also be used for physical and cognitive training, or in areas such as physiotherapy, weight loss, body posture rehabilitation, vertigo or balance disorders. This service is only carried out in Barcelona, and that is why some NBA or NFL players have decided to be treated with this technique.

  • Cellu M6 Integral

It can be applied for aesthetic or health reasons such as: post-pregnancy body recovery, scar treatment, rejuvenation, etc. It is the latest in LPG Endermologie for facial and body treatments.

  • Radiofrequency: INDIBA

INDIBA technology is the most sophisticated technology to improve your health and beauty from the inside, with therapeutic treatments that are responsible for activating cellular metabolism at the body level. It also has the Proionic System that provides great benefits.

  • Myoton

It is one of the most advanced tools for the evaluation of muscle tone, as well as its rigidity and visco-elasticity. This device is used by researchers and scientists in the field of muscle analysis.