Autumn, the season of dust mite allergy

During the change of seasons we run the risk of suffering from certain pathologies as a consequence of the change of temperatures and climatological factors. In the case of the arrival of autumn or spring, dust mites reappear. Within these periods, the autumn months are the ones that most affect allergy sufferers due to the proliferation of these tiny mites.

Incidence of dust mite allergy

The main consequence of this type of allergy is the appearance of rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucosa characterized by the following symptoms: nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing or nasal itching. Sometimes these symptoms may be accompanied by the sensation of shortness of breath, chest tightness or wheezing, “whistling” when breathing, which specialists in Allergology call bronchial asthma.

Currently, the incidence of allergic rhinitis is increasing; it affects between 3 and 19% of the population. In general, the most frequent type of allergy is to dust mites. Approximately 50% of rhinitis are allergic and arise as an immune reaction of our body to allergens such as dust mites, pollens, animal epithelia or environmental fungi.

What are mites?

Mites are microscopic spiders of the crustacean family that usually live in house dust and feed on skin and hair remains of people and animals living in a house. In the Balearic Islands, mites are common mainly during autumn and spring and, to a lesser extent, in winter, being in summer when their presence is lower.

The conditions of relatively high humidity and mild temperatures are the most conducive to the growth of these beings, which is why in the Balearic Islands and throughout the Mediterranean basin are the most important allergens. Given the structural similarity between dust mites and the family of shellfish (shrimp, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, snails, etc.), some patients may suffer from a food allergy due to the ingestion of the latter and present symptoms of oral or lingual itching, i.e. intense tingling sensation, urticaria and even wheezing. This happens especially in environments with fumes from the cooking of these foods.

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Treatment for dust mite allergy

In case of these symptoms, treatment is based on three steps: prevention, treatment of the symptoms and specific treatment for each case.

In the first case, prevention and thus eliminating dust mites is achieved with proper cleaning of our environment: use the vacuum cleaner instead of sweeping, use a damp cloth to clean the dust, vacuum the mattress at least once a month and wash the bed linen at 60º. In addition, it is also advisable to keep the room temperature cool and dry, use acrylic mattresses and pillows and avoid feather or wool comforters and pillows, carpets, rugs and stuffed animals.

In addition to these recommendations, treatment consists of the use of antihistamines, eye drops and nasal sprays. In case the patient suffers from asthma, rescue inhalers are usually used, which do not cure but alleviate the symptoms.
There is also the possibility of vaccination, which consists of the progressive and increasing administration of the mites that cause the allergy and is the only curative treatment for the disease.

Although currently there are different aids to soften the symptoms, it is recommended that in any case be seen by a specialist in Allergology who will advise you on the best treatment, appropriate to your needs.