Spring, allergies and how they affect our skin

Spring is the most damaging season for people sensitive to allergies.

Spring is the time of the year when dry climates emerge throughout Spain, where there are currently about six million allergy sufferers, and this favors the spread of pollen, one of the most common allergens in the country. According to the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), pollen levels have increased twice as much as last year and this will favor the appearance of more allergic diseases during the coming months.

When is a person considered allergic?

Allergic persons are those who suffer adverse reactions when inhaling, ingesting or touching certain substances called allergens. Allergy symptoms usually include rhinitis (nasal allergy), conjunctivitis (eye allergy) and skin alterations such as itching, inflammation, burning, rashes, peeling, blisters, among others. Externally, in the skin, allergies manifest themselves by causing skin lesions. The most frequent pathologies are optic dermatitis, urticaria, angioedema and contact hypersensitivity dermatitis. In addition, the profile of the allergic person has changed in recent years. Whereas in earlier times patients suffered from allergy to a single pollen, nowadays most of them suffer from reactions to several types of particles.

Causes and treatment

The most common allergens are dust mites, pollen, some foods (eggs, chocolate, seafood, peach…) and chemicals such as chlorine, dyes, latex or detergents. Other factors, such as certain medications, stress or even the sun, can also favor the appearance of an allergic skin reaction.

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Allergy sufferers should try to avoid contact with substances to which they are hypersensitive. In addition, they can use topical treatments with dermoprotectors and dermatological oils, and general treatments with antihistamines. People with skin allergies in particular should take extreme care of their skin in general, avoid contact with irritating substances and always seek to maximize skin hydration.