Treat Sciatica

Sciatica is the irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes the patient to feel pain in the lower back, which extends to the back of the legs and can sometimes reach the tip of the foot.

It is one of the most common causes of osteopathy and sick leave among pregnant women and middle-aged men. Disability and pain can last up to a month or more if left untreated.

Irritation of the sciatic nerve occurs when it is compressed by any body in its path. The roots of this nerve arise from the spinal cord, and exit through the vertebrae. They merge to form the nerve, and from there, down to the leg, behind the buttocks, thigh and knee to reach the outer edge of the foot.

Causes range from herniated disc, lumbar canal stenosis, pyramidal syndrome, pregnancy, etc.

Treatment for sciatica

Osteopathic treatment begins in the acute phase: pain, stiffness or lack of mobility. Manual treatment begins by assessing these symptoms of the acute phase and subsequent injuries. At the abdominal level, it is necessary to assess and treat visceral adhesions by unblocking the parietal peritoneum to achieve better mobility of the pelvis.

It must be assumed that osteopathy does not cure anything, but helps to set in motion a mechanism of self-regulation. It is normal that between 3 and 5 sessions the acute phase improves by 70%-80%, and in a month it can be completely restored.

Once the lesion is restored and without symptoms, the visits could be spaced between 6 and 12 months, although it depends on the lesion, the activity and the person.