What is Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a dysfunction that affects women. This condition is characterized by involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina, in anticipation of the pain that penetration may cause. In this way, it makes penetration impossible.

Vaginismus: primary or secondary

Primary vaginismus is the one that occurs when penetration has never been achieved despite having tried. In general, women who suffer from primary vaginismus are diagnosed through a gynecological examination, due to the difficulty that the gynecologist encounters in using the elements of this exploration.

This can condition the future of their sexual relations. On the one hand, some women choose to believe that, if they have a receptive and sensitive partner, they can consummate the relationship. And on the other hand, there are other women who avoid having sexual intercourse for fear of the moment of having sex.

On the other hand, secondary vaginismus occurs when there has been sexual intercourse with penetration and at a certain moment, either because of pain during penetration (dyspareunia), or for some other reason, pain and contraction of the pubococcygeus muscle prevent penetration.

It is important to clarify that the woman who suffers vaginismus, only sees affected its ability to admit vaginal penetration, while sexual desire, arousal and orgasm, remain unharmed. In this sense, the woman can maintain satisfactory non-coital sexual relations.

What type of woman suffers from vaginismus?

At present, the exact causes of primary vaginismus are not known. There are several psychological theories, but a common element has been observed in most patients. This element consists in the fact that in childhood and adolescence, these patients have lived in an environment in which adult women in their family, mothers or grandmothers, talked about traumatic sexual experiences and difficult births. This generates unconscious fears of sexual intercourse.

Secondary vaginismus usually has a more specific etiology and generally coincides with a change in the life of the couple, whether it is the birth of a child, an illness, or a crisis in the relationship, which results in a lack of lubrication. As a consequence, pain is generated during penetration, making sexual intercourse difficult.

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It is important to keep in mind that sexual dysfunctions, such as vaginismus, are not characteristic of a “personality profile”, but it is true that the displeasure produced by painful sexual intercourse settles quickly and will produce a permanent alteration that requires specific treatment to resolve it.

Dilators for vaginismus: why do they work so well?

There are different therapeutic approaches to vaginismus, as the dilator technique alone does not always work, especially in cases of primary vaginismus. This technique must be accompanied by other therapeutic guidelines in order to establish a complete recovery from the problem and as atraumatic as possible.

For this, it is important to perform a thorough assessment of the problem:

  • Rule out the existence of any physical cause.
  • Elaborate a complete clinical history
  • Decide, in each case, the guidelines, pace and application of the most convenient therapy, always within a behavioral and cognitive approach. It is important to keep in mind that we deal with women and each one of them presents a difference that requires adapted protocols.
  • Dilators are used, but as another element in the therapeutic process of Progressive Sensitization. These dilators, which are integrated with other guidelines, always seeking the greatest efficacy, are generally made of plastic, but there are firmer or softer ones. They usually come in a kit of different sizes. They are purchased in pharmacies and have all the health guarantees.
  • Vaginismus has a very good prognosis, and unlike other psychotherapy processes, sex therapy is not prolonged in time.