Rhizolysis Intervention

Radiofrequency rhizolysis is an outpatient surgical procedure that we perform to treat cases of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and problems of the cervical and lumbar facet in cases that do not require conventional surgery.

What happens during the radiofrequency rhizolysis procedure?

With the help of scopy we will locate the L4-L5 and L5-S1 spaces. We will put some local anesthesia and then we will apply the radiofrequency.

Now we are with the electrode located between L4-L5 on the left side, the motor stimulation is noted and the main thing is that it does not radiate to the left lower extremity. The patient should feel the mobility of the electrode in the motor stimulation in the area to be treated, but it should not radiate to the lower extremity. Now we go to the right L4-L5, we first check the anatomical location thanks to the scopy, then we proceed to the sensory stimulation and the patient feels a pressure which is important that it does not radiate towards the leg. Now we practice the motor stimulation and the mobility of the electrode is noted. The patient does not report pain thanks to the local anesthesia and the sedation applied, he only feels the touch when the electrode enters through the skin.

Now we apply the radiofrequency in left L5-S1. Normally this technique usually lasts about 15-20 minutes with local anesthesia and sedation, then you put some Betadine®, a dressing and you can resume your normal activity immediately. We advise you not to exert yourself for 2 or 3 days.

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Normally the patient comes fasting in case sedation is needed. We advise the patient to apply Betadine® to the area to be treated for 2 or 3 days. During 3 or 4 days it is advisable not to make efforts and to perform an ambulatory control in 1 month to evaluate the effect of the technique.