Periodontics: prevention of gum disease

“The best way to avoid gum disease is efficient daily oral hygiene, as well as regular check-ups to the professional”, Dr. Judith Fernandez.

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. It affects two thirds of patients over 18 years of age and 90% of the elderly. Bacterial plaque is the conclusive, and possibly the only, cause for periodontal pathology to develop.

The calcification of bacterial plaque, which is called tartar, is solved with good oral hygiene. The accumulation of tartar on the teeth contributes to the resistance of bacterial plaque and ends up irritating and inflaming the gums. In other words, bacterial plaque alters the normal structure of the gum, weakening it and making it easier for bacteria to enter the gum and inflame it, causing gingivitis. This disorder affects 75% of minors.

The routine of maintaining proper dental hygiene is the main weapon to prevent gum irritation. Regular visits to the dentist will allow the detection of areas affected by bacterial plaque and its subsequent elimination. When gingivitis becomes severe and acute it is necessary to use antibiotics and rinses that will help to suppress plaque.

It is very important to treat gingivitis in time, since it is the disease prior to periodontitis, formerly called pyorrhea. This problem causes the progressive destruction of the bone that supports the affected tooth, ending in tooth loss if it is not treated.

Gum conditions or infections can harm people without any pain being noticed beforehand. The symptoms of periodontal disease are: reddening of the gums, appearance of pus with secretion (abscesses) and bad breath, minimal appearance of blood when brushing, increased tooth sensitivity to cold, reduction of the gums with the sensation of longer teeth, growth of gaps between teeth and mobility.

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Grup Doctor Bladé reiterates the awareness to patients of the importance of oral hygiene.