Dental retainers: a must after invisible orthodontics

Considerations after invisible orthodontic treatment

It should be clear that the most important thing is the treatment goals, using the appliances only as a means to achieve them. Information before, during and after treatment is the key to a good invisible orthodontic treatment experience. One of the information that needs to be clearly conveyed is the need to control and supervise whatever method is used to achieve dental correction.

The position of the teeth achieved with the treatment is not 100% stable, since everything that is alive is subject to change. Therefore, one of the orthodontist’s obligations is to generate in patients a correct attitude towards this and to parallel that attitude, offering support and knowledge that will help the patient to maintain the results as far as he/she wants.

Likewise, as the experts in Dentistry and Stomatology state, retention elements for the dental position achieved should always be placed. There are many of them and, like corrective appliances, retention devices must be adapted to each patient. Each original problem and each patient requires customization of the retention system. Thus, for example, if a patient is treated with a system of plastic aligners, it is likely that at the end of the treatment, if he/she is offered a plastic retention aligner, he/she will not use it properly because he/she is “tired” of wearing and sleeping with this type of element. To encourage their cooperation, retention systems that renew the patient’s cooperation should be offered.

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Benefits and advantages of invisible orthodontics over conventional braces

In the case of lingual orthodontics, the advantages are less visible, but it is an optimal appliance for correcting some malocclusions that present, among their symptoms, overbite. It is a type of appliance that allows the professional a good control of dental movement.

In the case of plastic aligners, the list of advantages is longer:

  • There are no “emergencies”, since the appliance does not usually have breaks or shifting edges that can rub or cause irritation.
  • Consultation time is shorter and more comfortable.
  • It can be removed for eating and brushing teeth, allowing optimal hygiene.
  • It can be removed for important commitments and gives a certain freedom.
  • It is practically invisible, bringing great sociability to the wearer.